Let Go and Let Us

© BrenDeBev (all publication rights reserved)

One of the fun things about realtiming, whether for yourself alone or to others, is seeing your mistakes and being able to address them on the fly, either by using really cool macros from the writer or reaching to the computer keyboard and executing a few quick strokes, thereby having a beautiful view.

Enter the even cooler world of Connection Magic and shared editing, where these changes get made for you and your viewers without a single bit of effort on the side of the reporter.  The scopist is there, addressing issues, creating a final transcript while the reporter works at capturing the record.

“But what about those cool keyboard macros?  We love keyboard macros to fix our boo-boos! We have developed and perfected these!  We can’t let go of these gems!”

And that is understandable.  But when working with scopists in Connection Magic, that creates problems. Changing things back beyond what the reporter sees on the screen can create havoc for the scopist(s) working in the file behind the reporter, potentially negatively affecting things already either globaled or edited.  The scopist will catch the boo-boos, will global terms as they are encountered.

Because of the way collaborative editing works in Connection Magic, editing by more than one person in the same spot can have disturbing results:  disappearing and reappearing text, jumbled text, fighting text.  It is important for everyone to keep their distance and not get into each other’s way, reporters and editors alike.

Reporters, by all means, global and address things you see on your screen, but global forward only. Don’t use “All” and global behind your view.  If a global made by the reporter affects an edit or a global in an unexpected way behind the editors, that may not be caught, even in spell-check. Remember that you are always moving forward, with your team behind you. And don’t scroll back trying to find misstrokes, address punctuation issues, resolve conflicts.  That is what you are paying a realtime scopist to do, after all.

Perfect Partners Transcript Brigade understands the faith which has been entrusted to us by our clients in creating their final transcript, the transcript bearing their name.  We take that trust seriously and strive to fulfill it with each transcript, proving your trust is well placed with each new job. Our team has extensive experience in realtime scoping and proofreading. You do the writing; we’ll do the rest.  Let go and let us!

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